Science vs. Upward Evolution
(Without Genetic Load)
Why do evolutionists confuse the public by
showing examples of downward evolution, and then claiming this proves
upward evolution? How can accidents lead to the increases in genetic
information required by upward evolution? (Your DNA has 3 billion
letters--base pairs). And even if the billions of
upward evolutionary accidents could happen, how could any creature avoid
too much genetic load (accumulation of too many bad accidents)? See the following article with
links to other references from Ph.D. scientists. If you do the math,
evolution and creation both require miracles. But which one has the
scientiific evidences of a
miraculous Source.
Create Upward Evolution?
Do the Math
Geoffrey Rowe, Elec. Eng. Kennedy Space Center
When you have the truth, education is the best way to
win the war of ideas. When you know you are not following the truth, you hide
the conflicting data and ideas. Honest, genuine science invites
refutation; pseudoscience tries to silence disagreement (pseudo means “false”).
1860’s Darwinism was scientifically proven false (their sourse for new organs, new features, new information was proven false when genetics was discovered). So in the early 1900s evolutionists kept the popular name -Darwinian evolution. They now had to say random accidents (genetic mutations) were the actual driving force behind upward evolution. But accidents create wrecks, not upward evolving life. See Darwin in Light of 150 Years of Error. They now claim natural selection can work miracles, but they do not want you to do the math.
Upward evolution requires an increase in genetic information, and the evolutionist's only source is genetic accidents (random mutations to the DNA). Do accidents increase genetic information? Evolutionists claim that “simple” single cell life evolved over 500 million years to all we see today (Cambrian explosion to today).
Do the math. Their “simple cell” organism supposedly had around 500,000 base pairs in its genetic code (500,000 “letters” in its DNA code).
Getting 500,000 letters arranged into a life-duplicating code, with all the supporting molecular machines needed to read this code and build the cell’s parts, is not “simple” even for thousands of teams of intelligent scientists, let alone the mindless accidents (random mutations) that evolutionists believe in. This video looks inside a human cell (a 3D animation, Windows wmv format), where over 85% of all structures inside the cell are removed so you can see as you “travel” inside this cell.
So how did upward evolution go from 500,000 “letters” to 3,300,000,000 “letters” for the human DNA (and avoid all those harmful mutations)? That is an increase in information (upward evolution without genetic load) of 6.6 new DNA “letters” (good accidents) per year, just for humans (6.6 = 3.3B/500M). And some animals and plants have far more than 3,300,000,000 “letters.”
It is even worse for their ape-to-human upward evolution.
Do the math. Evolutionists claim the differences between human DNA and ape DNA is only 3%. This turns out to be wrong (see this article or this one which states that “... the first time such an apparently unbiased large-scale comparison had actually been done. The results were completely unexpected and radically contradicted the standard evolutionary dogma which pervades the scientific community. The research paper …”). But even if it is true, do the math. 3% of 3,300,000,000 = 99,000,000 accidents. That means upward evolution had to accidentally make 99,000,000 “good” changes over the last 3 to 5 million years for their imaginary “ape-like” creature to evolve into a human (and each one of these 99,000,000 "good" mutations had to give each "ape" such major advantages over the other "apes" that this one new mutated "ape" would have many more children that the unmutated "apes," in order for natural selection to work.). And all scientists agree that bad mutations occur at least a 1000 times more often than any imaginary good mutation. So how did these upward evolving "apes" avoid accumulating more bad mutations than these very very rare (if not imaginary) good mutations? Back to the math: 99,000,000 "good mutations means upward evolution was caused by the 20 to 33 accidents every year for 3 to 5 million years. (33 accidents per year = 99,000,000 accidents / 3,000,000 years) See this more detailed answer to Scientific American’s best arguments for upward evolution. Mutations as shown to the right remind us of the destructive power of accidents.
Upward evolution requires many many many miracles. Miracles violate the known laws of science such as the:
Foundational law of probability (the Law of Large Numbers)
Foundational law of Physics (1st Law of Thermodynamics)
Another foundational law of Physics (2nd Law of Thermodynamics)
Foundational law of Biology (Law of Biogenesis)
and many more
Accidents do not evolve upward, let alone billions of
upward accidents (without genetic load). That would require a miracle. Evolutionists do not
seem to mind supernatural events
miracles) as long as they do not point to a Supernatural Being who they are
accountable to. Just like teenagers often
against the authority of their parents, evolutionists are rebelling against
the evidence for the Supernatural Being (the God of the Bible), to Whom they are accountable.
So if we are not an accident, how would we prove we have a reliable message from our Creator? How would you prove the Bible is really from such a Supernatural Being? See Miraculous Bible at
Even if you do not believe the Bible, check out the evidence for yourself, unless you want to follow today’s pseudo-science where opposing views are not allowed. True science puts the evidence to the test, just like the Bible commands in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 1 John 4:1. Does your “science” cause you to follow the truth wherever it leads? Ours does.
But you may ask, “How can so many scientists be wrong?” (fallacy of consensus) See this article that includes admissions like these;
British evolutionist Sir Arthur Keith once remarked: “Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable!”
D.M.S. Watson, who held the position of the Chair of Evolution at the University of London for more than twenty years, echoed the same sentiments when he stated: “Evolution itself is accepted by zoologists, not because it has been observed to occur or can be proven by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is incredible.”
Or maybe you think “Christianity” looks like an accident with all the different groups teaching contradictory doctrines? The Bible even says that these false, contradicting doctrines would come (Acts 20:30) and shows you a way to avoid their errors (1 Thess 5:21 and Matt 7:15-20). See “Why Are There So Many Churches?” on the website.
Or maybe you object to Christianity because of all the evil pain and suffering in the world. See
Again, thank you for taking the time to consider the evidence. There is much more at:
Video of a 3D Simulation: You will be traveling from the blood stream into a single cell. As you travel through this complexity of form and function, realize the simulation had to remove over 85% of the molecular machines, highways, and organelles in order for you to able to "look around."